Safe Personality Inventory

A fast, cost-effective ($30), legally defensible way to identify entry to mid-level job candidates in high risk work environments likely to engage in safe work behavior.

Workplace accidents are caused by many factors, one of which is human behavior. There are many reasons why employees engage in unsafe behavior. One important, yet often overlooked reason, relates to person-level factors that employees bring with them when they are hired. Over the years, research has found empirical relationships between many personality traits and positive safety outcomes.  Unfortunately, from a recruitment and hiring standpoint, little practical attention has been paid to these findings.​

Overview of the SPI

The SPI is a 20-minute, online pre-employment tool designed to identify job candidates likely to engage in safe work behavior. It is designed primarily for use by companies in high risk industries looking to fill entry to mid-level positions where working safely is critical to overall performance. Example roles include air traffic controllers, welders, electricians, carpenters, general laborers, and safety technicians.​

What it measures

The SPI generates an overall safety score based on an assessment of 10 personality traits empirically linked to safe work behavior.

Individuals who score high on the SPI are more likely to:

  • Adhere to safety laws, regulations, standards, and practices.
  • Avoid shortcuts that might increase safety risks to themselves or others.
  • Maintain emergency supplies and/or personal protective gear as needed.
  • Organize their personal workspace to minimize the likelihood of accidents and other unsafe conditions.
  • Check for and report potential hazards or breaches of security plans.
  • Respond positively to safety-oriented feedback.
  • Encourage and support coworkers to be safe.

Benefits of using SPI

When used as a recruitment and hiring tool, the SPI enables companies to:

  • Identify job candidates likely to engage in safe behavior.
  • Screen out “high risk” candidates.
  • Reduce the probability of workplace accidents and near misses.
  • Fill open positions more quickly and efficiently.
  • Strengthen, not replace, existing hiring practices.

Validation evidence

The SPI was developed by Control Zone Solutions' team of assessment specialists, led by an industrial/organizational psychologist with 15+ years applied experience in the development and administration of a variety of employee recruitment and selection tools.  Based on ongoing validation research, SPI scores are likely to be “very useful” predictors of overall safety performance (U.S. Department of Labor Guidelines). Compared to lower scoring employees, higher scoring employees (top 25%) are 3 times more likely to be considered “very safe.”

The SPI was written at a 6th grade reading level. It does not cause adverse impact against minorities, females or older employees. It does not assess mental health disorders and is therefore not considered a medical exam.

How It Works:

Step by Step

Using the SPI is secure, simple, and user-friendly.

Organizations and hiring managers can manage the entire testing process 100% in-house. Twenty-four hour technical support is also provided.

  1. Register as an online SPI user and receive a unique online testing portal.
  2. Purchase the desired number of SPIs.
  3. Assign testing links to candidates by sending them an email or directing them to an onsite testing location.
  4. Wait for candidates to complete the SPI.
  5. Download SPI results within 1 to 2 minutes of completion.​

​​10 Personality Traits

  • Competitiveness
  • Achievement Orientation
  • Self-Confidence
  • Conscientiousness
  • Humility
  • Stress Tolerance
  • Risk Avoidance
  • Rule Following
  • Self-Control
  • Extraversion

2 Candidate Scores

Overall Safety
Impression Management (Deception)​​

Need more details? Contact us

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